I was trying to come up with a focused blog post, but so much has been going on that I really just feel like writing. We have definately have been on the go recently.
Saturday was the start of my rather busy haul. I woke up at a decent hour and go into the shower because I had to get myself and the boys ready to leave so I could take them to my mom's house to spend most of the day and all night because I had plans with my best friend to go get our make up done and go out for the night. I got a phone call that morning though that made the day a little clouded. My father in law's father died on Saturday morning. Grandpa Smith had a stroke two years ago and never recovered. He'd been batteling every bit of those two years and he finally won and passed away. I was deeply saddened by it, mostly for the loss that I knew my father in law and husband and their entire family were feeling. However, Jimmie Smith had a really good life and was a really good man and I think, as does my father in law that he was ready to go. He's at peace now, and I'm thankful that he's no longer in pain and in a better place. I will always enjoy hearing stories about him and I always have. I didn't know him very well, but I do know the family that he raised, especially my father in law, who in turn raised my husband and he did a damn fine job :) So RIP Jimmie Neal Smith.
So I went to my mom's house and my step dad's parents were in town for the day along with his sister, so I ate a little pasta salad and skyped with G to deliver the news about his Grandpa before I left. The boys hardly realized I was going. Always nice to not have the extra guilt of them crying when I walk out the door! I drove out to Plainfield and Stef was finishing up getting her hair cut and colored and then we got airbrushed makeup done. Seriously, my skin looked like porcelin. It was really fun to get makeup done like that. I definately think I will be doing it every time I have a special occasion! Like when G comes home I will DEF get my make up done. Let's just hope his flight isn't like an 8 am arrival time. I'm sure the stylist would charge double for a 6 am wake up call ;)
We went shoe shopping and got a killer pair of heels (two actually, one for her one for me) and then went to our homes to get dressed. Stef made me sit around like a guy because she had to detour back to DSW to get the tag thingy taken off one of her shoes but I sat in my cute black dress and hot shoes and watched SATC2! Wishing of course that I had EVERY outfit that SJP wore in that movie. We decided to just go to Houlihan's for dinner since we were going to be going to Mo's anyway. Dinner was good and I saw some of G's coworkers, all of whom said they missed him... glad it's not just me ;) Mo's was awesome. The bartenders were so great, we had a really good time. Crazy. Lots of stuff I'm not going to mention. But it was really really fun.
I got home around 2:30 and found some tylenol and then fell into my sister's bed(who was thankfully not in it!) I just managed to get my pj's on before I fell asleep. I was exhausted. I woke up at 9:15 before the boys even were awake. I felt good and was happy about that. Rae came over and we all had breakfast and then I packed the boys up and we were on our way home. I got a call that the showing for Grandpa Smith would be the following afternoon/evening. So my mom said she'd watch the boys so I could attend that since the funeral would be on Wednesday in TN. The boys and I had a relaxing rest of the Sunday which was good because I was still tired and so we napped and had pizza and watch a movie.
Monday went by in a blur. I got up and picked up the disaster area of a house and started getting ready while a storm raged outside. It cleared up by the time I left for Terre Haute and the drive down there wasn't too long. The showing was sad but uplifting. It was nice to see how many people loved Grandpa Smith, though I was glad I didn't take the boys. I was able to stay for much longer than I would have been had they been with me. Plus funerals are just no place for little ones. At least not my little ones. I talked to people, but mostly family and G skyped on my iPhone while I was there so his parents got to speak with him for a minutes, so that was also good.
I got home and the boys were already asleep. Isaac of course woke up but Lysander stayed down so I took them upstairs and Isaac layed in bed with me and watched movies until we both fell asleep. Good news today was that we were lazy all day and slowed it all down. Now they are asleep already and I quiet which is an important and infrequent part of my life!
You know, now that I write all that down it doesn't sound that busy. It sounds like I had a lot of downtime. Wonder why it didn't FEEL like that at all. huh.
In other news, the boys have been eating the meals I've been cooking with veggies hidden in them and I've enjoyed them as well. Each time I make a new one I eat it and figure out what I'll do to make it better. Oddly I think I have more kitchen knowledge than I thought I did. Probably comes from the restaurant industry and having a chef for a husband and the fact that trial and error seems to be my way to really learn.
Grover is doing pretty well. He's been getting lots of mail and that's a nice mood elevator for him. Since everyone has been so good at sending packages and letters he's had a surpluss of stuff and been able to share. I'm glad that the support he's getting from home is spilling over onto other soldiers. They all need to be supported.
I'm going to stop here before I just ramble one. I'm going to go enjoy my quiet. :) Shhhhhhhhhhh
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