Saturday morning was like a domestic dream. Grover and I woke up and Isaac was right behind us. I got on the treadmill and he took Isaac with him to go buy donuts. He went to Long's bakery because it's the only place I like donuts from and he arrived to a line around the block. So they went on a hunt for another bakery and were gone for almost an hour. It was kind of nice to be on the treadmill with out an audience since Lysander(who thinks he's 15) stayed asleep the entire time.
When they got back Lysander woke up and they had donuts and I got in the shower so we could go to the zoo. We normally only go to the zoo right when it opens and this trip reminded me why. It was pretty hot while we were there and I didn't bring anything for the boys to ride in, so we only stayed for an hour or so. We saw most of the animals though. When we went home Grover decided to mow the grass and then we called his parent's to see if we could go out there to go swimming, and they said of course since they hadn't seen Grover yet.
We drove out there and Grover and I fought for the control of the iPod hook up. We have pretty different tastes in music ;) The boys decided to play for a bit with their cousins, Emma and Hannah, before we got into the pool. Finally when I couldn't take it anymore I got them in to the pool. The water was a bit cold but refreshing. The boys only stayed in for a bit and then slowly one by one everyone got out of the pool and it was just G and I. It was the first time we had a few minutes to ourselves since he had been home. We just talked and swam around and laughed. My stomach muscles hurt from laughing so much. A few minutes later his mom said the boys were ready for dinner and we went in.
It was really nice to talk and relax and it was so beautiful outside. We had a great evening and ended up staying a lot later than I had planned on. When we got home we just went to bed. We were pretty tired. The day was really spontaneous, which is a real change for us to just do what we want whenever we want to. It was a nice feeling. Then again, ever since Thursday at about 1:30 pm has been a nice feeling! :)
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