Friday, August 26, 2011

First full day of leave :)

Last night I left off with being on the verge of getting what I hoped would be the best night of sleep that I had had in six months. As it turns out I didn't hardly sleep at all. I have no idea why, other than I started sleeping on G's side of the bed when he left and last night obviously G slept on G's side of the bed. We switched at about 4:30 am and I slept okay after that. Creature of habit maybe?

This morning we got up and I pretty much immediately got on the treadmill. G and Isaac sat on the couch and watched me. My knee was killing me so I only did thirty minutes and I switched five run five walk throughout. Made me a little sad to have to look so bad the first time G saw me run on the treadmill ;) He didn't comment. Just thought I was doing good to get on it right away. I think tomorrow I might try to get up earlier so as to not have an audience!

We got ready and went to Lysander and Isaac's meet the teacher. Isaac was so happy to be meeting who Lysander's teachers were last year as his own. He was so excited to be there and he was flirting with Miss Cori's two year old granddaughter. When we were leaving I told Lysander to say goodbye to his old teachers so we can meet his new ones and he started crying. I think more so he misunderstood and thought we were leaving him. I held his hand as we walked to his classroom in the main buidling and he calmed down. However when we walked in to his new classroom the poor teacher couldn't get a word out of him, though she did make him smile with a silly finger monster. Anyway, we got all their stuff and now we know where we are going on Tuesday. I also know I am will be crying. Crying the first time because Isaac is going to walk away from me and not look back. Crying the second time because Lysander is going to cry like he's scared and that is the one of two cries he has that absolutely breaks my damn heart(the other is when he cries because he's hurt, they are definitely distinctive cries as compared to when he's mad).

The rest of the day was spent playing play doh with Isaac, Lysander played heroes for a little while but then decided to go up to his room, there was lots of wrestling going on between the three of them off and on the entire day. GJ asked me to make a list of things for him to do because apparently he no longer feels comfortable relaxing, so I made him a two page list of things he could do and he went and did the outside work I needed done. He was very productive and I think it relaxed him to be doing something normal around the house. My best friend and her boys came over right as he was wrapping things up and unfortunately Lysander was laying down in his room and Isaac was passed out so the kids didn't get to play but it was good to see them. We also had to plan our night out and I'm sure that will be a NC-17 blog post after all that goes down.

GJ made a few of the $300 worth of steak that I bought for dinner and it was delicious, but part of that could be because he cooked and I didn't. Food that someone else makes normally tastes a lot better to me ;) We watched a movie together and now he's decided to watch Predator. I've been trying to pay as little attention to the scary movie as I possibly can. I have no desire to dream of creepy aliens tonight. ;) Game of Thrones it is!

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