Monday, November 28, 2011


March 26, 2011 is when I started this blog. I am not ending it tonight, but the reson for beginning it will be over in about 15 or so hours. I went back and read my first post, noting that I said I was going to write every day... that worked out real well! Grover has been gone 287 days and I have written 46, now 47, times.

In the ending of this seperation, I'm feeling very very lucky that first of all, we made it through. Second of all that it was cut short by a few months and we will be back together earlier than I orginally thought. Yesterday was my birthday. I was on edge all day because I knew my husband was supposed to be leaving Iraq. I was desperate to know that he was finally gone. At 10 pm when I was finally drifting off to sleep my phone rang and I heard my husband say the words I had been waiting to hear. "I'm on my way home." Best birthday present ever!!!!

Today I made sure to keep myself busy and the boys managed to keep me really busy as well. Isaac has an ear infection and had to go to the dr, then had to go the pharmacy, then had to go to Walmart to get an oil change and also to get snack for preschool tomorrow. Right now I should be more than asleep but I'm like a child on Christmas Eve. :) I'll be up at the crack of dawn I'm sure, get ready, take the boys to school. Oddly I have to go get my driver's license renewed tomorrow. I'm super happy about that though so I can get a new picture on the damn thing. The old one I swear to you I look horrifying!

I'm not taking the boys to the welcome home ceremony. They will stay at the house with my sister. I don't think GJ could take having to tell them goodbye for the millionth time this year. So I'll go with a few family members and then after it's over he'll go to demob at the base down south and I'll be able to pick him up sometime this weekend. I think I'm going to make it a surprise for the boys. I'll have my mom stay with them and then I'll pick him up. I know she wants to see the boys reaction when they see him come home. I'm sure it'll be priceless.

For now I'm going to do my best to shut my eyes and go to sleep. That way at least 7 more hours will be gone and I will be that much closer to finally seeing G on US soil. Which will probably be one of the best days of my life.

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