Friday, November 18, 2011


I was just reading headlines on and looking at what was trending and one of the top ten trending items was "gay marriage". I didn't read the article. It was something about California and making gay marriage legal or keeping it illegal or whatever.

I don't need to read the article because whatever it says won't change my opinion on it. I am outraged. Beyond belief. That we are still having this conversation. I can not believe that STILL there is some debate about whether or not gay couples should be married. It is such a simple answer and it blows my mind the money that has to be wasted, the time, the energy, the resources, that go into an arguement that is so ludacris. Here is the answer.

Love is Love.

Why on earth anyone should be told whether or not they can marry totally blows my mind. I understand that there are some religions who won't acknowledge gay marriage. I don't agree with that, but I don't agree with all aspects of religious beliefs anyway. However, legally, from the government stand point, I wish I could fathom why it matters if a woman and man marry, or if a man and man marry or if a woman and woman marry. In essence marriage according to the state is a contract, no? I mean truly, you're tying yourself to a person financially really, and I suppose being responsible for them as well, should anything happen to them. Good or bad, what's mine is yours and if we ever decide to end this thing, we are both responsible to figure out finances. I take care of you, you take care of me, we split what possessions and cash we have, that's that. Of course children make it more complicated when it comes to divorce, but still, it involves financing those children and taking care of them. All that is beside the point though really, because most people don't enter in to a marriage expecting to get a divorce.

My point is, when it comes to the eyes of the state, or the country, what do they really care about who is marrying who? If there truly is seperation of church and state, then why is this such an arguement within the states? To be honest about it, I pretty much feel the same way about poligamy. Who cares if a man has more than one wife so long as financially they are not cheating anyone out of anything? If you don't cheat on your taxes, or cheat the health care system, what the hell does it matter? So long as everyone is consenting adults?

Now, I'm not gay, and I absolutely couldn't ever be a poligamist(still, I don't feel there's anything really wrong with it as long as everyone is an adult and freely enters into it. I'm just too selfish to share my husband) but I just don't see the reason for telling people who love eachother that they can not marry one another. I don't know what the exact divorce rate is in this country, but I'm pretty sure at one time it was something like 51%. Really then, it's not like the one man and one woman thing are some kind of stellar roll model for the next generation.

I know that all that may really offend some people. I absolutely do not mean to offend anyone. If, because of your religion or own personal morals you do not agree with what I just said, that is completely okay with me. I respect everyone's right to their opinion. I just don't think it's any one person's place, and certainly not the government's place, to impose their morals on to others and say that they are not allowed to legally bind themselves to whom they chose.

Again, Love is Love. With all the tragic things that happen on a daily basis, with all the hate... adding a little more love into the world is never a bad thing. I hope that by the time my children are grown up enough to understand this type of thing, they will say something like, "mama, I can't believe you're old enough to have been alive when gay marriage was illegal."

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